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I believe that being candid and authentic are key to thriving in today’s virtual world. My blog is a place where celebrating one’s personality, sense of humor, and heart are at the core of my site’s mission. Connecting with the world is what brought me to start Faith, Food, Family.
Boy, wish I had typed that, it sounds pretty good.  At least it was all true.  I just want to take this opportunity to list just a few rules.  


First: I'll be honest, you be honest but we won't get mad at each other

Second: This blog is my opinion.  If you don't like what I say or think, leave.  But please leave in an orderly manner.  We can agree to disagree at times but I will not allow vulgarity and people bashing on here.

Third: This is a site to have some fun and share with each other.  Let's do that.

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