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  • Writer's pictureGreg Swain

Sunday thoughts

Hope everyone had a good morning at church. Ours was wonderful. I was able to go but didn't preach, I'm still healing up from surgery. Guess I should talk about that one day...maybe tomorrow. Anyways, Bro. Jerry Bandy is filling in for me while I'm healing and it was a joy to sit and listen. Of course it helped that he was on the money with what we needed to hear.

After church we went to eat in town and then of course we had to hit-up Walmart. I won't get off on Wally World to day, but I reserve the right to come back to them later. So, what is the problem today? Drivers with a lack of thoughts for the rules. Now I will admit that I have had issues with speed before but as I have gotten older I am a little more patient...a little. However, this weekend we traveled on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday around the general area of Murphy where we live. People have gotten crazy on the roads, and most of what I see comes from out of town vehicles. I'm not saying our local folks are angels at driving, but they do seem to do better. It almost scares me to go to town in my little Ford Focus as opposed to my Ram 3500. Bigger is safer is a nice thought when driving. Why are people in such a hurry now a days? Has the world totally lost all idea of patience? This probably also somewhat answers why churches are having issues also. People don't have time for the "God thing" of church. It is a sad thought because He had and has time for you...and them.

Oh well, there are some thoughts for today. Might try and tell my story tomorrow. At least my most recent issues. Thanks...G

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